How long is this Vatican Astronomer going to keep his job? He is quoted by, dismissing Creationism as ‘a kind of paganism’ and Papal infallability as a “PR Disaster”. In fact, he makes a lot of sense, as opposed to the Creationists, who tend to make very little sense. Found via Boing Boing
Author Archives: woowoowoo
worker’s theatre – brilliant!
Last week at the 8 hour day celebration at the University of Melbourne, I became aware of a new production by the Melbourne Workers Theatre; ‘We Built This City’. I wasn’t sure at first, but a song I’d heard at the celebration was brilliant and I just wanted to hear more. Once I’d found the …
Undocumented Google map trick
An article on Ogle Earth alerts us to a neat trick to get a location from Google Maps to Google Earth. Simply add ‘&output=kml’ to the URL of the map you are viewing, (be sure to click the ‘Link to this page’ on the map first!). I created this simple javascript gMaps2kml bookmarklet, that seems …
My little commute…
It hardly rates as a bicycle commute – only 6.5k and even while I was taking photos, only 20 minutes, but in response to a mild challenge from thingoid, I hereby offer my very modest commute.
the party is definitely over…
One of the most public icons of the Commonwealth Games were the fish on the Yarra. Each night of the games they were lit up and squirted water in a spectacular display. A bit kitsch, but a real crowd pleaser – hundreds of thousands must have watched it. There’s now a bit of a debate …
Google gets organised…
Piece by clever piece, Google are putting together the bits I need to manage my life online. The latest addition is google calendar. Nothing earth shattering here, just stuff that works the way you want it to. I exported my Oracle calendar appointments as an iCal file, it imported seamlessly into google and straight away …
Yahoo! Maps – a rival for Google?
Since Google released their maps/local product on the world, they have really ‘owned’ the space. The Ajax word has become common parlance, and we’ve all learned to expect a lot more from our browsers. Microsoft brought out their Live Local product in an attempt to rival Google. It is good – slicker than google, but …
confirmed – Ballmer is a nut!
As if we needed confirmation – last week we had a blogger from inside M$’s Vista testing team saying that it was a complete load of garbage and that Ballmer should be fired. We’ve all heard about him chucking chairs in a google inspired tantrum, but this latest piece “Microsoft chief forbids his kids from …
m2006 Mashup
As inflatable Koalas bounced around the MCG, I was putting the finishing touches to my first Google Maps mashup – The Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. Most of the features from the Melbourne 2006 KMZ have been incorporated, and though I still prefer the stand alone app, I’m quite proud that my mashup uses decent css …
Melbourne 2006 on Google Earth
It’s my first attempt at a Google Earth file, so I’m ready for criticism. All the same, I think it’s OK. Along the way, I learned how to make a network link, and how to draw a path, I’m sure that’ll be useful one day! I’ve tried to cover as much as possible of the …
On a lighter note…
Tonight I joined the latest internet bandwagon, creating a public transport map with all the names scrambled into anagrams. There’s a heap more here at boing-boing. I want to print off a few hundred and give them to visitors at the Commonwealth Games!
another rant!
As a long time BigPond Cable subscriber, I’m used to receiving their self promotional emails. Usually shopping specials I’m not interested in and promotional guff about their content. You see, they have quite a bit of video and music content, but I’ve never used any of that either. Not that I wouldn’t like to, some …