not same same

It’s a long way from Chiang Mai to the island of Ko Samui, in the Gulf of Thailand. We’re 9 degrees from the equator – roughly the same as the tip of Cape York, but along with all the differences there are all the similarities.

Tuk-Tuk No.73

After our experiences with the demon tuk-tuk drivers of Bangkok, we were more than a little cautious about engaging the services of them again in Chiang Mai. So, when we needed a hand getting around and the first driver quoted us 100B, we moved on to look for other options.

forests and our precious water

I was delighted to read on the Google Earth blog about a fantastic initiative of the Victorian Rainforest Network to create accurate and educational overlays for Google Earth that clearly illustrate a range of threats to our precious forest environments. Of particular interest is the maps of logging in catchment areas. Organisations like the VRN …


Steve Irwin’s number finally came up. It wasn’t one of his beloved crocs, or a shark or any of the spectacular, glamorous and lethal animals he’s so often photographed with, but a Stingray. Apparently a spike through the heart dealt the fatal blow. The Wikipedia page about stingrays even mentions the possibly fatal effects of …

there’s nothing right about this

The news is making me sad. Rockets launched, bombs dropped. So called leaders standing up in front of cameras spouting pointless rhetoric. There is no easy answer. I’m not going to venture into who is right or wrong, because when it comes down to killing and injuring children, smashing people’s peaceful lives apart, destroying beautiful …

OpenOffice vs. Redmond on the buses

Interesting bit of dialogue here. A blog notes bus ads from Sun pushing by taking aim at Microsoft… Amusing enough in it’s own right, but… …a Microsoft employee fires off a retort in her his blog with some taunts of her his (? gender assumption cleared up, thank you Sandy) own. Trouble is, the …