It’s been ages since I posted and this isn’t really news, but it’s fun… Go on, destroy this website!

Norman Bay, Wilson’s Prom
We got back from Wilson’s Prom on Friday and still haven’t accepted the fact that the holiday is over. It was blissful!
For people who don’t know Wilson’s Promontory, it is the southernmost tip of the Australian mainland, so isn’t necessarily the first place you think of for a beach holiday, but this year we struck it lucky with the weather and had a full week of superb weather, swimming, walking and enjoying the magnificent national park.
I know when I return to work tomorrow, I’ll be sneaking looks at my photo album in an effort to hold onto the memory as long as possible.
[edit] Oh dear, looks like the DSE will be looking at my photos so that they can remember what the prom looked like before they destroyed it with a ‘controlled burn’!
I don’t want a pickle…
…just wanna ride on my motor sickle – at least that’s how the Arlo Guthrie song went. Yes, my big new year’s present to myself is a motorbike. Not a great big prestige mid-life crisis motorbike, but a small, slightly gutless and not very exciting ‘commuter’ bike, (a Honda CB250). Still, it’s exactly what I want for my city-bound life these days. I love it. I’ll try to get to a photo sorted tomorrow. [edit: photo sorted now!]
there were fireworks
we don’t usually do the ‘stay up to see the new year in’ thing, but this year some good food, good wine and good company kept us going along easily… and it was worth the wait.
Melbourne is pretty flat, but our friends have a second storey balcony and their house is perched on the brow of what passes for a hill ’round these parts, so we got a fantastic 180° view of about 8 fireworks displays in the city and surrounding suburbs. It was excellent! We also threw water bombs at the kids… all around a really good night. Happy New Year!
on blueberry hill
today was warm, so we headed down the coast to Point Lonsdale – our current favourite destination. It has a combination of good snorkelling, some rockpools to ramble around and a couple of reasonable coffee shops. Anyway, the snorkelling was great – there were plenty of fish, one good stingray and a Leafy Sea Dragon, which was a bonus.
Afterwards, we headed back up to the Blueberry farm near Portarlington and picked a couple of kilos of fruit. Mmm, Blueberry Muffins tomorrow morning!
Crap service, Crap workmanship
the heat is on…
Yoiks, it’s hot all of a sudden! 8:40pm and the WeatherPixie says it’s still 35°c. There is a storm building on the radar, but it’s about 200km. away so it’ll be three hours before it gets here, even if it doesn’t miss us. Today was my last day at work, I’m not going back until the 17th of January which is sweet! However, out of nowhere I’ve got a sore throat and a headache, which is a bummer. It’s shaping up to be a big Christmas for eating – Yum Cha tomorrow for lunch, bbq for dinner – then on the big day we get down to some serious eating! We’ve got family staying for a few days which is always good fun. Anyway, if I know you and haven’t sent a card, I’m sorry, but have a great Christmas and a safe New Year!
Just to get you into the Christmas spirit, check out this wonderful charity effort from a few selfless celebrity musicians.
name that tune
B3ta regular chthonic (corrected spelling – sorry!) has built a brilliant online version of name that tune. There are only two problems: one is that it uses windoze media player which sucks, the other is that it hilights what sad musical tastes I have. I got 10 out of 10 for Steely Dan and Jethro Tull!
some funny stuff…
OK, here are a couple of pages which made me laugh: the worst album covers of all time and a car recovery that didn’t go to plan.
Here’s another little site I’ve just completed. This time for friends with an exceptional chinese restaurant: Shanghai Ling.
The food at ShanghaiLing is unlike anything you’ll get at your more familiar ‘Cantonese’ restaurants – there’s a spicy freshness that keeps us coming back again and again. Also, they do the best tofu I’ve ever had anywhere!
This is only a very small job, but it was quite fun to do. An excuse to go back to the old days of repeating background images.
The site is for a fella who runs a ‘Tree Consulting Service’, that is: he doesn’t consult trees, he consults with the people responsible for dealing with trees… councils, homeowners, lawyers, builders etc.
All compliant and accessible of course! Arbor Report
we’re going dynamic!
I’ve recently been lucky enough to participate in the recommendation of a Content Management System for the University of Melbourne. In the process I learned a little about CMSs so I thought it was about time I tried one out myself.
I didn’t want to try Mambo. Partly because I knew people on the original development team and I sort of felt too close to it, but after several recommendations I thought I’d better try it and see what it would offer me – well, I have to say, it installed beautifully, but that was about the end of it! it’s waaaay too busy and complicated for my needs.
So, I looked around at what else there was – thought Typo3 looked nice and clean, so I installed that. Again, a nice easy install, but after a couple of hours I still hadn’t worked out how to change the templates, so I decided that it definitely wasn’t the cms for me!
I’ve now installed my third cms – well, perhaps cms is a grand word for it, lets say ‘rich blog’ – WordPress, and finally it seems like it’s a back end I can understand. The easiest and quickest install of them all. Not only that, but when I was adding links I happened to visit Eric Meyer’s site and found that he’s using it too! what exalted company!! OK, so it’s a way off being and enterprise system, but it’ll do me (for now!). By the way, straight out of the box it does valid xhtml – nice!