Three ages

woowoowoo posted a photo: We were served the local fresh goats cheese at three ages. Only a few weeks between them, but amazing differences. My favourite was the middle one, but they were all great. via Flickr / woowoowoo


woowoowoo posted a photo: These were Gamay grapes. The only variety really grown in Beaujolais. They mostly make the famous light fruity reds, but also some whites. Not table grapes, but absolutely delicious all the same. via Flickr / woowoowoo

On tour

woowoowoo posted a photo: In retrospect, we did not do enough of this. Tours, that is. At the prompting of a friend, we took a day tour with Sebastien. He drove us around his family’s wine estates, showed us everything, proffered much wine, and saw that we were well fed. It was brilliant. via Flickr …