I suppose I’d better give into it… everyone else has blogged about WEo5, so I’d better do my bit. Not that it’s a chore at all – quite the opposite – this was the most informative and inspirational conference I have been to in years. No, the problems are: 1. where to start, and 2. what to leave out.
Informative: Eric Meyer and his approach to prototyping css design, Tantek Çelik and his insight into the deep end of sematic XHTML, and Derek Featherstone taking forms accessibility to new levels.
Inspirational: Molly Holzschlag – is there anything she isn’t into?, Jeff Veen, simply inspirational!
There were others, of course, but I’ve gotta stop dribbling! Over the next week or so I’m going to be going through my notes and listening to the podcasts to try and pass on as much of this wisdom as possible to my work colleagues.
Going next year? 🙂
I’ll be trying my darnedest!
going THIS year? 🙂
yep! that’s three in a row 🙂