Apple’s forgotten placeholder

Shouldn’t laugh at the misfortune of others – however small – but Apple’s website is usually so perfect, everything in its place, that when there is a problem you’ve gotta make the most of it! In this case, the hoary old chestnut, the nemesis of graphic designers everywhere – forgotten placeholder text. On the Australian …

Google finally embeds My Maps

Like every other Google map geek in the world, I’ve been waiting with anticipation for the release of embedded ‘My Maps’. Most unusual for Google to announce a feature before it’s released, usually it’s just a matter of keeping an eye on the blogs or looking for the “New” at the top of the various …

the only good thing about an election…

How about this kerfuffle about whether Peter Costello said whatever about John Howard to some journalists? Are you interested? No, I thought not. I mean, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, this sort of episode will only confirm your already held suspicions. I mean, hands up who thinks the pollies are lying? … ’nuff …

Google is the new axis of evil

The Fairfax created “Brisbane Times” site blares out Terrorists also find Google useful, obviously this google maps thing is a threat to all of us! Presumably the terrorists also found computers rather useful – oh, and the internet! and probably Microsoft’s operating system… yep, we should ban the lot of them. Alternatively, perhaps we could …

So, how did Google do it?

Well, the fact is, they didn’t – entirely. Sure, it appears in Google’s wonderful maps, but the images were captured by a company called Immersive Media, who have developed these innovative products. It seems that Immersive’s main thrust is moving images – spherical video with embedded geodata – very impressive stuff. In typical Google fashion, …

google maps street view – amazing

When I first used google maps I was utterly speechless at the smooth way they could present the incredible amount of data that the system held. Well, they’ve done it again – in spades! There are plenty of blog posts talking about it, but the instructions found at googlemapsmania are simple and easy: head over …