Used to love a nice bit of Tasmanian salmon. There was a time when it seemed a pretty solid, and sustainable choice. I also knew how to cook it, and it was bloody delicious.

And then, the problems started to surface. Pollutants in Macquarie Harbour, reports of fish in poor condition, question marks over the feed used. I stopped buying it around the same time as the ABC Four Corners episode Big Fish – not because of it, but it just confirmed my feelings.
Do I miss it? Absolutely! Every now and then I see someone eating it and remember just how great it was to cook with. Unfortunately, the controversy still rages, there have been fish kills, and a lack of agreement about the way back. Even says no.
Could its demise have been avoided? Maybe – we’ll never really know, but you could tell when its price was so low compared to other fish, that corners were being cut. And the popularity meant that supplying such a market would become unsustainable.
yes, it's an odd little post – I really did it just to test how my wordpress site posts to mastodon. Learning all the time ????