Google Maps street maps for Australia and New Zealand!

From Google Maps Mania, I was alerted to the (as usual) unheralded release of new content in Google Maps. This time, it’s maps for us and the kiwis.

The maps are excellent in coverage and detail though the hybrid view shows up a little bit of inaccuracy in my suburb at least, though this is not uniform across Australia.

The biggest problem seems to be with searching, something in common with the Euro maps, that the search only allows very general searches. It doesn’t even respond to suburbs, let alone streets. I can see this severely limiting the number of mash-ups we see, at least until there is a reliable way of geocoding street addresses.

7 replies on “Google Maps street maps for Australia and New Zealand!”

  1. Hi there,
    Following the Oz and NZ street level release, we’ve changed the speed camera locator for Australia and New Zealand to use Google Maps. We’re now adding a lot of features and seeking feedback from road users. Enjoy!
    Ant Burnett
    Roadwatch Admin

  2. Pingback: Treadly and Me

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