train journey

woowoowoo posted a photo: Swiss trains, very efficient. Our train journey wasn’t terribly exciting until we passed through Visp, and began climbing up the valley towards Zermatt. The hills got steeper – steadily turning into mountains, then glimpses of snowy peaks, and that clear mountain air. via Flickr / woowoowoo

Stocking up

woowoowoo posted a photo: This Läderach shop was in Zurich Railway Station, and though it’s only one of many in the chain, it’s still really delicious chocolate. We had a long train journey ahead of us, so stocking up was mandatory! via Flickr / woowoowoo

top run

woowoowoo posted a photo: I took the train to Riffelalp Resort to watch the runners come through – found a spot where I could capture them with the Matterhorn in the background. Go Franz! via Flickr / woowoowoo


woowoowoo posted a photo: Climbing done, the path led down a rocky ridge. Quite technical, and very tough on the old knees! Fortunately, we weren’t going all the way to Zermatt, far below. via Flickr / woowoowoo