Chocolate box
top run
woowoowoo posted a photo:
I took the train to Riffelalp Resort to watch the runners come through – found a spot where I could capture them with the Matterhorn in the background. Go Franz!
Matterhorn Ultracks
woowoowoo posted a photo:
The next morning, the big race: Matterhorn Ultracks. Eliza and Rachel set off for the 16k.
good fibre
woowoowoo posted a photo:
Climbing done, the path led down a rocky ridge. Quite technical, and very tough on the old knees! Fortunately, we weren’t going all the way to Zermatt, far below.
and the view…
woowoowoo posted a photo:
It was a stunning day. Towards the end of the climb we came out onto a bit of a ridge, where you could see an unparalelled string of mighty mountains: Pollux 4,092m, Castor 4,228m, Breithorn 4,164m, Matterhorn 4,478m, Zinalrothorn 4,221m, Weisshorn 4,506m, and Bietschhorn 3,934m. … and probably quite a few others I haven’t identified!
the adventure continued…
woowoowoo posted a photo:
The path was a very steady climb, for several kilometers. Was pretty hard work, but the view was amazing.
woowoowoo posted a photo:
Along the way there were many beautiful wildflowers, including a lot of Edelweiss!
up and up
woowoowoo posted a photo:
After the lake, we walked up the hill a little further. It was called ‘Adventure Weg’. Ended up being quite a walk!
cotton wool
woowoowoo posted a photo:
I can’t remember the name of this flower, which grows in marshy alpine areas. So pretty!
The name might have been something to do with mountain sheep’s wool – bergschafwolle? I could be completely wrong!
woowoowoo posted a photo:
Stunning lake, teeming with trout, no fishing allowed unless you pay for a guide at about $300/day!
Still, I enjoyed feeding them a little bit of my sandwich