
woowoowoo posted a photo: Stunning lake, teeming with trout, no fishing allowed unless you pay for a guide at about $300/day! Still, I enjoyed feeding them a little bit of my sandwich 🙂 via Flickr / woowoowoo

marmot walk

woowoowoo posted a photo: The first part of the walk was called the Marmot walk. Cute little animals, but we only saw one wooden one on this walk. Our first destination is visible up the valley. via Flickr / woowoowoo

alpine view

woowoowoo posted a photo: The second of two views of our stunning bedroom in Zermatt. Walking past the bed and stepping onto the balcony, there is this view. Breathtaking. via Flickr / woowoowoo

train journey

woowoowoo posted a photo: Swiss trains, very efficient. Our train journey wasn’t terribly exciting until we passed through Visp, and began climbing up the valley towards Zermatt. The hills got steeper – steadily turning into mountains, then glimpses of snowy peaks, and that clear mountain air. via Flickr / woowoowoo

Stocking up

woowoowoo posted a photo: This Läderach shop was in Zurich Railway Station, and though it’s only one of many in the chain, it’s still really delicious chocolate. We had a long train journey ahead of us, so stocking up was mandatory! via Flickr / woowoowoo

too much chocolate?

woowoowoo posted a photo: Is there such a thing? Not in Switzerland, it seems 🙂 Läderach was pretty good chocolate, and to save you the maths, the pralines work out at about aud$130/kg. About par. via Flickr / woowoowoo