
woowoowoo posted a photo: Climbing done, the path led down a rocky ridge. Quite technical, and very tough on the old knees! Fortunately, we weren’t going all the way to Zermatt, far below. via Flickr / woowoowoo

cotton wool

woowoowoo posted a photo: I can’t remember the name of this flower, which grows in marshy alpine areas. So pretty! The name might have been something to do with mountain sheep’s wool – bergschafwolle? I could be completely wrong! via Flickr / woowoowoo


woowoowoo posted a photo: Stunning lake, teeming with trout, no fishing allowed unless you pay for a guide at about $300/day! Still, I enjoyed feeding them a little bit of my sandwich 🙂 via Flickr / woowoowoo

marmot walk

woowoowoo posted a photo: The first part of the walk was called the Marmot walk. Cute little animals, but we only saw one wooden one on this walk. Our first destination is visible up the valley. via Flickr / woowoowoo

alpine view

woowoowoo posted a photo: The second of two views of our stunning bedroom in Zermatt. Walking past the bed and stepping onto the balcony, there is this view. Breathtaking. via Flickr / woowoowoo